The rain has slowed to a drizzle
you notice through the car window.
Your heart feels empty
as he pulls out of the parking lot.
Your body aches
with pain
with sadness
with heartache.
The drive home seems to take forever
but not long enough.
The grief makes you dizzy,
you notice as he helps you inside.
Visions of staying in your warm, dark bed,
for the rest of time
are haunting your desires.
So you walk past That Door,
and attempt the fight that has you longing to go in,
while you shiver from the coldness
that comes from the room behind it.
Tears flow down your face,
as you give in to That Door
and enter the room.
The walls are pink
and the heartache is terrible.
This room used to be a happy place.
Full of excitement and visions of love.
On the handmade shelf,
are the baby shoes that were never worn.
Your precious little angel
returned to heaven before
giving you the chance to wrap her in your arms.
Dreams are all they are now,
those visions of love,
for they will never be a reality.
Your head is throbbing with misery,
you notice as he picks you up off the floor,
and shuts That Door behind you.